2018 King City Mayor Candidate LandWatch Questionnaire Responses

All candidates are in alphabetical order

Land Use Policy - Affordable Housing

Mike LeBarre
What is your position on affordable housing? Please be specific with regards to policies you support or oppose. Absolutely essential for our region.
Do you support modifying city policies to make it easier and cheaper to build housing? If so, what specific policy changes do you support? All agencies need to be innovative to support effective and sustainable cost reductions. Policies should reflect a balance of all concerns but most importantly be best for the community.
Do you support requiring developers to actually build inclusionary units instead of paying an “in lieu” fee? Every project is unique. I would look at each on a case by case basis to determine which would provide the most benefit to the community.
Do you support requiring that “inclusionary housing” units be made permanently affordable, even upon resale? If not, please explain. I do not have a position on this issue at this time.
Do you support requiring developers of hospitality, commercial and industrial projects that significantly increase demand for already scarce housing resources to also build workforce housing? I would answer this the same as a prior question and that is every project is unique and I would evaluate each on a case by case basis to determine which would provide the most benefit to the community.
What other housing policies do you support or oppose? We need to look at parking space requirements for housing projects and allow units without requiring parking spaces. There are many residents in our county that do not own a vehicle but rent an apartment that comes with a parking space. By not requiring that every unit have a parking space this will allow for more units to be built for any given project. It will make these projects more feasible to developers. These units could come with a transit pass in lieu of a parking space and would help to increase available housing supply as well as encourage more public transit oriented housing developments.

Water Supplies

Mike LeBarre
What specific proposals do you support to ensure your community can meet its water demands without over-drafting groundwater aquifers? I believe on this issue we must look at all options and ideas to craft a real solution that meets our water needs.

Sprawl Reduction

Mike LeBarre
Do you support the creation of “urban growth boundaries” or expansion of the existing boundary as a way to prevent urban sprawl, and to insure that future growth is compact, efficient, and protective of the environment? If not, what measures would you support to prevent urban sprawl? If yes, will you sponsor an urban growth boundary in the upcoming year, and make it one of your top three priorities I believe it is important to be adaptive to the constraints of our boundaries. It is also important that we realize every city's infrastructure has limitations and that projected population growth may drive the expansion of existing boundaries even when maximizing the existing potential units within each jurisdiction. Local control and local solutions will best address sprawl reduction.


Mike LeBarre
New commercial developments and hotels create more trips and additional vehicle miles travelled on already overcrowded roads and highways. Both residents and visitors pay the price of delay and increased pollution. What specific traffic congestion relief solutions do you support? Encourage the use of Public Transit.
Do you support roundabouts on Highway 68 and other roads? What other transportation policies or practices have you seen that local governments should incorporate? Yes


Mike LeBarre
If you are elected, what will be your top three priorities? Community, Safety, and Trust
What land use policies are you willing to champion for the community? Affordable housing
What accomplishments in your career or public service are you most proud of? Our enhanced learning after school program our city along with our school districts and community partners have brought to all of our elementary schools in King City. This benefits the students, the families, and the overall quality of life in our community.


Full Name Mike LeBarre
Occupation Agricultural Technician
Years Lived in Area 17
Education Learning more everyday
Experience Life