July 7,
RE: Proposed Coyote Development
in the City of San Jose
Dear City and County
This letter is to ask you to
take some follow up action with respect to proposed
development in the Coyote Valley, in the City of
San Jose.
The San Jose City Planning
Commission and the San Jose City Council will soon
consider a development project proposed by CISCO
Systems. The CISCO proposal would result in the
construction of a business park for almost 20,000
workers, to be located in the Coyote Valley, in the
southern part of the City of San Jose. No new
housing is proposed to accompany the new jobs that
would be created by the project.
The effect of the proposed
Coyote Valley development, if it proceeds in its
current form, would be to place increasing pressure
on Monterey County, where housing costs are less
than in the Silicon Valley. This would not only
cause a number of growth-related problems for
Monterey County local governments, but would also
exacerbate an already inflamed Monterey County
housing market.
AMBAG, the City of Salinas, and
other Monterey County jurisdictions have made very
forceful comments on the Draft EIR that was
circulated earlier this year. Responses to these
comments (and the many other comments received on
the Draft EIR) are anticipated momentarily. If the
City responds appropriately, it will of necessity
have to add significant new information to the
Draft EIR, and this should mean that the City will
recirculate the revised document for further
review. The extent and significance of the earlier
comments really does require a complete reanalysis
of the potential environmental impacts of the CISCO
proposal, and a new chance for the public and
affected agencies to make any further comment
However, it is quite possible
that the City of San Jose will want to move to a
decision without taking the step of recirculating a
new Draft EIR. Putting the CISCO proposal on a
"fast track" basis will be attractive both to CISCO
and the City of San Jose. Elected officials in San
Jose will of course have the interests of their
city primarily in mind&emdash;and not the impacts
that their decisions may have on other
The City of San Jose is much
more likely to do the right thing with respect to
recirculation of the EIR if it knows that other
local governments are closely scrutinizing its
actions, and closely following its compliance with
the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA). CEQA does require a full and
substantive environmental review process, including
recirculation of a draft EIR and responsive
comments, when the revised document incorporates
significant new information. CEQA also requires
that mitigation measures be incorporated into the
project if such measures are feasible.
This letter is our request that
your agency officially communicate with the City of
San Jose at this time--either directly, or through
AMBAG--telling the City of San Jose that you
believe that state law requires them to recirculate
a new Draft EIR, incorporating their responses to
the comments earlier received.
LandWatch believes that the City
of San Jose will take such comments seriously, if
they come from other local government
jurisdictions, and that the best chance of having
the potential impacts of the proposed CISCO project
properly addressed and mitigated is making certain
that local governments from throughout the affected
region play a strong and active role in the
process, to ensure that state law requirements are
actually met.
LandWatch believes that your
constituents will value your active involvement on
their behalf--and that it is critically important
that the City of San Jose hear--at this time--that
affected local jurisdictions expect them to do the
right thing, and to recirculate a new Draft
Thank you for considering this
important request.

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