October 9,
San Jose City Planning
|c/o Department of Planning, Building and Code
City of San Jose
801 North First Street #400
San Jose, CA 95110 [Sent By FAX:
RE: Appeal of
Decision on EIR for Proposed Coyote Valley Research
To Whom It May
On October 5, 2000, the Planning
Commission of the City of San Jose certified as
"adequate" the Final Environmental Impact Report on
the Proposed Coyote Valley Research Park. The
Commission Chairperson announced that parties who
disagreed with the Commission's decision might
appeal to the San Jose City Council, and should
file any such appeal on or before Wednesday October
11, 2000.
This letter is to appeal the
Planning Commission's decision to certify the Final
EIR on the proposed Coyote Valley Research Park.
LandWatch Monterey County does not think that the
Final Environmental Impact Report complies with
state law.
First, the Final EIR does not
adequately describe or analyze the project. The
project, in fact, is more than the proposed Cisco
campus. As the City's own analysis shows (and as
the provisions for infrastructure demonstrate) the
real project coming before you is the full
development of the Coyote Valley for the purposes
specified in the General Plan. The materials that
you have received make clear that if you permit the
Cisco proposal to proceed, the rest of the
development contemplated in the General Plan will
not only inevitably but promptly follow. The City
of San Jose has not done an environmental analysis
that truly reviews the total impacts that can be
expected if you make a decision to allow the Cisco
project to proceed. Such an analysis is absolutely
required, not only to comply with state law, but
also to put the city in a position truly to
understand the implications of the decisions you
are contemplating. CEQA does not allow a lead
agency to "piecemeal" a project analysis. It must
analyze the entirety of the impacts that are to be
expected from a decision they propose to make. We
urge the Council to require the EIR to meet this
Second, even if the project were
only the Cisco campus (obviously a large project in
its own right), the final EIR has not adequately
responded to the substantive comments submitted on
the draft. CEQA absolutely requires a lead agency
to provide substantive replies to the substantive
comments it receives. The courts have consistently
said that a lead agency cannot "brush off" the real
concerns raised by those who comment on a draft
EIR. That is what is happening here--unless the
Council exercises its authority to demand that
adequate environmental review actually
As one example, LandWatch and
others have extensively commented on the absolutely
false assumptions about housing impacts that are
contained in the draft EIR. No adequate response
was been forthcoming in the Final EIR. The housing
impacts that we and other commenters have
identified consist of actual, physical impacts to
the environment. If Cisco is permitted to create
20,000 new jobs in its proposed new campus, and is
permitted to "export" the housing demand created by
that action, then real impacts on the physical
environment, including traffic congestion, air
pollution, and loss of farmland will occur in other
jurisdictions, including on areas within Monterey
County, and in cities located in that
CEQA requires that feasible
mitigation measures be adopted, when significant
adverse impacts are identified. The Final EIR (as
erroneously certified by the Commission) indicates
that no adverse impacts are to be expected from the
"export" of the housing demand created by the
proposed project; thus, the Final EIR never
discusses, as it ought to, feasible mitigations.
Attached to our letter to the Planning Commission,
and thus in your record, are several pages from a
recent book by the Urban Land Institute, Density by
Design, illustrating a housing development in
Dallas, Texas. That development, Addison Circle, is
extremely attractive and functional, and would fit
well as part of the Cisco campus. It is built at a
net density of 38 units per acre, which means that
3500 units could be provided on 93 acres. It would
be feasible for the Cisco project to include this
many units, and would significantly mitigate the
impacts that the inadequate FEIR says doesn't
exist. We hope you will require an analysis of
significant on site housing in the EIR ultimately
certified, to comply with the requirements of
Finally, to the extent that
significant new information is contained in a final
EIR, the EIR must be recirculated for additional
comment. Various public agencies that have tired to
work in good faith with the City of San Jose, and
to alert the City to the environmental and other
impacts that will be caused by approval of the
Cisco project, have already let you know that the
City's failure to recirculate the latest
environmental document--or even to allow adequate
time to review and respond to it--is a violation of
CEQA. LandWatch agrees with the comments made by
AMBAG and the City of Salinas that the Final EIR is
inadequate. We urge the City Council not to certify
it in its current form.
Thank you for taking our
comments and this appeal seriously. We urge you to
reverse the Commission's decision to certify the
Final EIR, and to require that an adequate EIR be
prepared, as required by state law.
