October 24,
Mayor and Council Members
San Jose City Council
801 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95110
RE: Proposed Coyote
Valley Research Park
Dear Mayor Gonzalez and Members
of the San Jose City Council:
LandWatch Monterey County urges
the City Council to follow state law, and to insist
on an adequate environmental review of the proposed
Coyote Valley Research Park. We disagree with the
advice you have received from your staff, and
believe that the EIR presented to you is
inadequate, and that it fails to comply with the
California Environmental Quality Act.
We also urge you--if you
determine to approve the proposed project--to
condition your approval so as to mitigate what will
clearly be its most devastating environmental,
economic, and social impact.
As outlined in our appeal letter, we do not think
that the Final Environmental Impact Report before
you complies with state law. First, it does not
adequately describe or analyze the project. As the
City's own analysis shows (and as the provisions
for infrastructure demonstrate) the real project
coming before you is the full development of the
Coyote Valley for the purposes specified in the
General Plan. The materials that you have received
make clear that if you permit the Cisco proposal to
proceed, the rest of the development contemplated
in the General Plan will not only inevitably but
also promptly follow. The City of San Jose has not
done an environmental analysis that truly reviews
the total impacts that can be expected if you make
a decision to allow the Cisco project to proceed.
Such an analysis is absolutely required, not only
to comply with state law, but also to put the city
in a position truly to understand the implications
of the decisions you are contemplating. CEQA does
not allow a lead agency to "piecemeal" a project
analysis. It must analyze the entirety of the
impacts that are to be expected from a decision
they propose to make. Please insist on such a full
environmental analysis on this proposal.
Second, even if the project were
only the Cisco campus (obviously a large project in
its own right), the final EIR has not adequately
analyzed the project, nor has it responded to the
substantive comments submitted on the draft. CEQA
absolutely requires a lead agency to provide
substantive replies to the substantive comments it
receives. The courts have consistently said that a
lead agency cannot "brush off" the real concerns
raised by those who comment on a draft EIR. That is
what is happening here--unless the Council now acts
to ensure that an adequate environmental review is
As one example, LandWatch and
others have extensively commented on the absolutely
false assumptions about housing impacts that are
contained in the draft EIR. No adequate response
has been forthcoming. The impacts that others and
we have identified consist of actual, physical
impacts to the environment. If Cisco is permitted
to create 20,000 new jobs in its proposed new
campus, and is permitted to "export" the housing
demand created by that action, then real impacts on
the physical environment, including traffic
congestion, air pollution, and loss of farmland
will occur in other jurisdictions, including on
areas within Monterey County, and in cities located
in that county.
Furthermore, to the extent that
significant new information is contained in a final
EIR, the EIR must be recirculated for additional
comment. Various public agencies that have tired to
work in good faith with the City of San Jose, and
to alert the City to the environmental and other
impacts that will be caused by approval of the
Cisco project, have already let you know that the
City's failure to recirculate the latest
environmental document--or even to allow adequate
time to review and respond to it--is a violation of
CEQA. LandWatch joins in their protest.
Project Mitigation
There is no question that one of the most
devastating impacts of the proposal before you will
be the "export" of housing demand to other areas.
This is the definition of "urban sprawl," and the
impacts of this phenomenon are not only
"environmental," but social and economic as well.
Creating jobs without nearby housing for the
workers who will fill those jobs is not only
damaging to our environment, it is undermining our
economy and unraveling social stability. Everybody
knows it--so why don't we do something about it, as
we make the decisions that allow this destructive
process to continue? With respect to past
decisions, it might be said that every new job
creating project was simply "too small" for it to
be feasible to require housing to be build
concurrently. That isn't a valid excuse here. If we
don't address the issue of "jobs/housing balance"
here, when one of the largest and most successful
corporations in the world proposes a massive campus
covering 688 acres of currently open space, with
other open space areas immediately adjacent, then
we are basically saying that we will continue to
destroy and undermine our economy, society and
environment, and that we just don't
Please act responsibly, and stop
the destructive processes of urban sprawl at a
place where they truly can be stopped. The proposed
Cisco project should not be approved unless the
project includes a requirement for housing, onsite,
or directly adjacent. That's the way to act
responsibly--and that is something that is
absolutely feasible, and within your power, because
you can condition a project approval to require
that significant new housing be provided as the new
office buildings are constructed. Your staff report
raises an objection to such an approach, saying
that putting housing on site wouldn't necessarily
meet the housing demand created by the proposed
Research Park project, because future residents of
the housing might work elsewhere. That objection is
not well taken. In fact, the City can require not
only housing onsite, but also that this housing be
first offered for rental or sale (on a continuing
basis) to workers in the buildings proposed to be
constructed. A workable program for onsite housing
can easily be devised that will not only meet
public policy objectives, but that will also meet
the employer's need to attract and retain good
workers, many of whom would jump at the chance to
live close to where they work.
A report recently received by
the City apparently calls for housing development
to proceed in the Coyote Valley area. This report
is clearly responding to the point that LandWatch
and others have made--housing should go along with
these new jobs, and is an absolute necessity. Your
action, however, to be responsible, must link the
construction of housing to the approval for
development of the jobs. Anything less is to defer
to a promised tomorrow the actions that are needed
I submitted to the Planning
Commission a description of a project actually
built in Addison, Texas, nearby Dallas. It is
attractive, affordable, and is just the type of
housing that would appeal to many of the workers
who will be attracted to the jobs that Cisco is
proposing to create in the Coyote Valley. The
Addison Circle development (as described in the
recent Urban Land Institute publication, Density by
Design) is built at a gross residential density of
54.6 units per acre. The gross project density is
37.5 units per acre.
LandWatch asks you to require,
as a condition of approval of this project, that
3500 units of housing also be constructed, on the
Cisco site or elsewhere within the Coyote Valley.
At 37.5 units per acre, that would mean that only
93 acres would be required. This is eminently
feasible. In fact, with some redesign, it could be
provided on the current site--and you could
eliminate a lot of those 22,000 parking spaces that
the project is currently proposing. We understand
that the proposal would require a General Plan
amendment and a redesign--but that doesn't make it
impossible or infeasible, it only means that the
City will have to go beyond what the applicant
wants, and do what is actually best for the
long-term public interest. Incidentally, this kind
of a requirement, while it would likely be opposed
by Cisco, would actually meet their long term best
interests as well, because attracting and retaining
good employees in this region is going to become
ever more difficult, because of the lack of
affordable, nearby housing. In fact, a project on
the Cisco site that could provide housing for a
significant number of workers would help Cisco, as
well as the City of San Jose and the region as a
We have one final comment on the
matters before you. Good land use planning requires
developments to "internalize" their costs and
impacts. Housing, for instance, should not be
"exported" when significant new jobs are being
created. In exactly the same way, developments
should "pay their own way" with respect to
necessary infrastructure. The project before you
requires a massive public subsidy for
transportation and other infrastructure. Cisco is
one of the largest, wealthiest, and most successful
businesses in the world. It has recently been
reported that the company does not even pay income
tax on its substantial revenues. It is not too much
to ask this corporation to pay its own way, instead
of asking for a subsidy from the citizens of San
Jose. LandWatch urges you to take that
We urge you to require an adequate environmental
analysis of this project. We also urge you, when
it's time to act on this project, to require Cisco
to provide significant onsite or adjacent housing.
Urban sprawl is not only, or even most importantly,
an "environmental issue." Above all, the evil of
urban sprawl is that it is unraveling the social
fabric that binds us together in families and
communities. When we require the workers who are
the basis of our economic success to lose two to
four hours a day in senseless commuting, searching
for housing they can afford, then we are taking
from them time that they might otherwise use to
strengthen their families, or to participate
meaningfully in our community life. Ultimately,
neither our economy nor our society can sustain the
continued damage we are causing by our unwise land
use decisions. This is a place where we can do
better. We urge you to make use of the opportunity
to do so!
Thank you for taking our
comments seriously.
