The shopping center proposed for the intersection of Highway 68 and Corral de Tierra Road went before the Board of Supervisors on April 12th and again on May 17th. The developer was told both times to decrease the size. The original proposal on 11 acres consisted of 126,350 square feet of retail space and 508 parking spaces. Their second proposal reduced the size to 116,000 square feet – still huge! For comparison, the Stone Creek Shopping Center on Highway 68 in Del Rey Oaks is 26,000 sq ft with 170 parking spaces.
Because of the hard work of LandWatch, the Meyer Community Group, the Highway 68 Coalition, and other concerned neighbors, the development was denied twice by the supervisors. The good news is that not only was the 126,350 sq ft proposal denied, but also the 116,000 sq ft proposal. The bad news is that the fight isn’t over yet! The project will again be back before the board of supervisors in July. LandWatch will keep our members posted!
A brief history of the project:
- LandWatch submitted a letter to the county Planning Department on July 8, 2010 commenting on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Our primary concerns are: traffic impacts, long term sustainable water supply for the project, inconsistency with the county general plan, and the scenic viewshed impacts. LandWatch also sent a letter on November 29, 2010 commenting on the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR).
- On January 26, 2011 the county planning commission held a hearing on the shopping center. The end result was a tie vote meaning the project was denied. The developers of the project appealed this denial to the county board of supervisors.
- On April 12, the county board of supervisors held a hearing on the appeal of the Planning Commission denial. At this hearing, the developers proposed a slightly reduced project of 121,000 sq ft of retail space and planning staff proposed 112,000 sq ft. The supervisors opposed all of the options because of the severe impacts the project would have on Highway 68 traffic and water. Dave Potter, supervisor for District 5 where the center is proposed, also expressed concerns about the project’s severe impacts to the scenic viewshed. The board directed planning staff to work with the developer on designing a much smaller project; however the developer claims that a smaller project might not be financially viable.
- On May 17, 2011 the board of supervisors again held a hearing for the project. This time the developer proposed 116,000 sq ft shopping center and again the supervisors failed to approve the project. The supervisors directed staff to bring the project back for round three sometime in July.
to Corral de Tierra Shopping Center Issues and Actions]
Posted 05.31.11
LandWatch's mission is to protect Monterey County's future by addressing climate change, community health, and social inequities in housing and infrastructure. By encouraging greater public participation in planning, we connect people to government, address human needs and inspire conservation of natural resources. |
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