Corral De Tierra Shopping Center
The 11 acre project site proposes 10 retail buildings, a one-story grocery store and a two-story office building, totaling 126,523 square feet and 508 parking spaces and is located along Corral de Tierra and Highway 68.
Quick Facts
- The project applicant is Omni Enterprises LLC.
- The project (as approved) includes nearly 100,000 gross square feet of mostly single story commercial and office buildings.
- The County of Monterey is the lead agency.
- The County Board of Supervisors approved this project in February 2012.
- The project is governed by the policies of the 1982 Monterey County General Plan.
- A lawsuit was filed by The Highway 68 Coalition in March 2012.
Project Status
- The Courts rule in favor of Monterey County and against the Highway 68 Coalition.
- The Monterey County Board of Supervisors scheduled a Public Hearing (8K PDF) to determine if the project has a long term, sustainable water supply on December 16, 2014.
- The Final Environmental Impact Report was completed in November 2010. (39.9M PDF)
- The Draft Environmental Impact Report was released in May 2010. (56.6M PDF)
- The Notice of Preparation was circulated for 30 days in April 2004.
- The project application was deemed complete in 2004.
Project Location Map
The proposed Corral de Tierra project is at the
corner of Highway 68 and Corral De Tierra Road.

Map Credit: County of Monterey, Corral de Tierra Draft Environmental Impact Report (May 2010)
The Corral de Tierra project includes nearly
100,000 square feet of commercial space.

Credit: County of Monterey, Corral de Tierra Draft Environmental Impact Report (May 2010)
Resources at Risk
- Cumulative Impacts
The list of projects for the Toro area is not current and therefore the cumulative impacts for the project cannot be determined without adequate information. - Water & Groundwater
The project would have significant impacts to the ground water supplies even after mitigation measures were employed. - Impacts to Traffic
Project level impacts should be considered significant and unavoidable as the regional transportation fees for the project would pay into the system of transportation improvements, which aren’t slated until 2025-2030. Regional feeds only cover $5.9 million of the estimated $24 million.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Comments on the Administrative Fee for Water Uses (140K PDF)
Staff have outlined two bases for allocating the administrative fee as between urban users, who pay per connection, and agricultural users, who pay per irrigated acre. One method uses the traditional 90%/10% split in ag and urban use. The other uses a split purporting to be specific to ag and urban pumping in the Corral de Tierra area. LandWatch is concerned that the second method may inequitably impose higher fees on urban users for several reasons, as outlined in the attached comments. (04.07.23) - Letter: Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Report (29K PDF)
LandWatch outlines its concerns about the analysis of cumulative project impacts, surface runoff, consistency with the General Plan, traffic, and alternatives analysis. (07.08.10)
Project History
- Shopping Center Moves Forward
This controversial project has been scaled down to 100,000 square feet of commercial, 10 buildings, including a grocery store, and sits at Highway 68 and Corral De Tierra Rd. In 2012, the County approved the project with 105 conditions of approval. (06.30.18) - Court Rules Gives Final OK
The project has been decades in the making and final court ruling may allow the project, Corral De Tierra, to proceed. Developers contend the project is still years away from moving forward. The question lingers if the plaintiff will appeal the court ruling. (06.29.15) - Judge Gives Nod on Shopping Center
On June 18th a Superior Court Judge upheld the County Board of Supervisors’ decision to approve the Corral De Tierra Shopping Center. The Highway 68 Coalition sued over the project’s environmental impacts; mainly sustainable water. (06.29.15) - Judge Rules in County’s Favor
A judge has decided in the Corral de Tierra case that the County did indeed follow its due process and does have a sustainable long term water supply. The Highway 68 Coalition sued the County over the Environmental Impact Report with water being one of the main concerns. It will be interesting to see how this decision plays out for other County projects. (06.25.15) - Corral de Tierra Water Battle
Is there water for Corral de Tierra? Did the County follow the law? These are two important questions being asked by the attorneys for the Highway 68 Coalition regarding this shopping center. One big item is whether the Supervisors considered the declining state of the region’s groundwater supply, especially during the drought. No decision has been issued yet on these matters. (04.23.15) - What Role Does Water Have on Shopping Center?
On page 13 of the latest edition of the Carmel Pine Cone an article outlines how The Highway 68 Coalition is trying to reverse the decision on the Corral de Tierra Shopping Center. They are citing the drought as the reason it should be stopped, in addition to their existing lawsuit which contends the project doesn’t meet the General Plan requirements and violates CEQA. The Coalition is also requesting additional study on the water supply now that the drought is in its fourth year. A judge hears the case on April 16. (04.10.15) - Close Vote, But Corral de Tierra Center Approved
At the February 7th Board of Supervisors meeting, a close vote (3-2) approved the Corral de Tierra Shopping Center. One major condition of approval was stipulated: removal of the gas station from the site plan and cleanup of the toxic soil. (02.22.12) - Corral de Tierra Shopping Center hearing Tuesday, Nov. 8th 1:30pm
The Board of Supervisors will consider the shopping center for the 4th time despite contaminated soil, traffic concerns, and a tenuous water supply. (11.03.11) - Corral de Tierra Shopping Center Denied by Supervisors; Developer Told to Decrease Size Again
The shopping center proposed for the intersection of Highway 68 and Corral de Tierra Road went before the Board of Supervisors on April 12th and again on May 17th. The developer was told both times to decrease the size. (05.31.11) - LandWatch Opposes Two Toro Area Projects
LandWatch opposes the Corral de Tierra Shopping Center and the Encina Hills / Harper Canyon Development. We are disappointed that sprawl development is still considered in Monterey County and these two developments are prime examples! (10.24.10)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions