Archived Projects in North County

North County is struggling with water quality and water quantity. Get the details on the 2000 water moratorium and other items.

Project Proposed: 2002
LW Position: Support Moratorium
Status: Inactive

The Aromas Water District (AWD) and Local Area Formation Commission met in 2011 regarding AWD’s Sphere of Influence (SOI) amendment to add approximately 1,720 acres within the District’s SOI boundary within Monterey County.

Project Proposed: 2011
LW Position: Carefully Reviewed with Concerns
Status: Project Approved

A new power plant has been proposed for Pajaro that includes the construction of a 45 megawatt combustion turbine generating facility.

Project Proposed: 2002
LW Position: Requested More Review
Status: Withdrawn

A Cease-and-Desist Order for CalAm was issued requiring the company to stop water removal from the Carmel River and Carmel Valley Aquifer. This order spurred agencies to develop a plan to balance the region’s water needs with a long standing water supply deficit.

Project Proposed: 2009
LW Position: Opposes the Plan
Status: Project Abandoned

The project included the subdivision of 177 lots on 125 acres.  Its original approval required 100% affordable units and now the permanence of this affordability requirement is in jeopardy.

Project Proposed: 1994
LW Position: Maintain Permanent Affordability Requirements
Status: Commission Retains Affordability Component

The Butterfly Village project will include 1,147 homes, but will replace the proposed golf course with 342 acres of public parks and open space, increase the amount of affordable housing to 32 percent from 15 percent, double the amount of commercial space, and add a 10-acre elementary school site. After nearly 20 years of disagreement, community groups, the County and developer have found a win-win with the Butterfly Village proposal.

Project Proposed: 2003
LW Position: Opposed the Project
Status: Approved, LW Litigation Settled Project Reduced in Scope