LandWatch works to inform residents, decision-makers and policy leaders on a number of land use issues. This publications page is a repository of the tools we use to provide that information.  From publications to newspaper opinion pieces, videos to radio interviews—this is a way to understand our work in a format that works for you.

Opinion Editorials

When necessary, LandWatch provides Opinion Editorials to local news outlets that relay vital information on subject’s LandWatch cares about. This page provides OpEds on an assortment of topics.

Policy Papers and Presentations

Providing detailed information on a variety of topics, LandWatch aims to educate, inform, and advocate for good policy decisions. This page features policy papers and presentations written and prepared by our staff, consultants, and interns.

Perspectives on the Land

There are many reasons to support good land use policy and showcase examples throughout the nation that we rely on here in Monterey County. This page focuses on a suite of perspectives on land use, written by different people.

YouTube Video Channel

Videos have become a tool that LandWatch is attempting to use more of to relay critical information. This page includes videos on our YouTube channel that feature our work and research.


These more historical documents are retained to provide a full picture of the work that LandWatch has engaged in over the years. This gives interested parties a view into past positions, policy work, and efforts by our organization.