Monterey County has
numerous threatened and endangered species. Their
presence requires that impact from development be
fully mitigated. A listing of species follows:
Animals: California Brown Pelican, California
Clapper Rail, Western Snowy Plover, Bank Swallow,
Least Bells Vireo, Tidewater Goby, San Joaquin Kit
Fox, Santa Cruz Long-Toed Salamander, Arroyo
Southwestern Toad, California Red-Legged Frog,
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, and Smith Blue
Plants: Adobe Sanicle, Santa Cruz Tarplant,
Beach Layia, Menzies' Wallflower, Yadon's
Wallflower, Coastal Dunes Milk-Vetch, Tidestrom's
Lupine, Pacific Grove Clover, Santa Lucia Mint,
Monterey Spineflower, Robust Spineflower,
Butterworth's Buckwheat, Sand Gilia, Hickman's
Cinquefoil, Seaside Bird's Beach, Dudley's
Lousewort, Mexican Flannelbush, and Little Sur
Manzanita. Additionally, the native Monterey Pine
forests unique to Central California are under
severe pressure from pending development and pitch