
State law requires
planning agencies to "prepare,
periodically review, and revise, as
necessary, the general plan"
[Government Code section 65103
(a)]. Keeping the general plan current
is important for good planning.
Several cities in Monterey County are
in various stages of the general plan
update process, including the cities of
King City, Marina, Salinas, and Sand City
(Table 15). Three other cities--Carmel,
Monterey, and Soledad--will consider
initiating a general plan update during
the 1999/2000 Fiscal Year.
The County of Monterey has hired a
consultant to develop a work program to
define the scope of a general plan update,
and it is anticipated that Monterey County
will initiate a general plan revision
process during the 1999/2000 fiscal year.
The Monterey County General Plan is 16
years old, and most of its area plans are
ten or more years old. |