LandWatch works for land use policies that put jobs and housing close together, to minimize traffic and congestion problems. We need to make sure that new development doesn’t go forward unless necessary transportation infrastructure is already in place, and that taxpayers aren’t asked to finance growth-inducing transportation projects that subsidize urban sprawl.
- Letter: LandWatch Comments on Airport Plan (533K PDF file)
The Monterey County Airport is circulating its proposed Airport Master Plan and while it should focus on Federal Aviation Administration requirements—the Plan extends well past that by including non-aviation related development. (10.22.18)
Highway 1
- LandWatch Comments on Groundwater Pumping (6.3M PDF file)
LandWatch outlines its concerns with allowing replacement wells would have the potential to pump up to 23% more groundwater from the deep aquifer. This groundwater basin is already compromised with sea water intrusion. (05.14.20)
Highway 68 Corridor
- Monterey Could Make Groundbreaking Switch
The 15 mile stretch of rural roadway in Monterey County could look a little different soon due to the installation of roundabouts. LandWatch strongly supports TAMC’s efforts to reduce traffic congestion and make Highway 68 safer by installing roundabouts. (11.04.17) - Learn more at the Highway 68 Corridor Issues & Actions
Monterey – Salinas Transit
- Groups Agree to MST Plan for Bus Rapid Transit
LandWatch, CHISPA, the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas Valley Chambers of Commerce are all on board to support the Monterey-Salinas Transit project on Highway 1 to add a bus rapid transit project that gets people out of their cars. (07.22.21) - Letter: LandWatch Comments on the Surf Busway and Bus Rapid Transit (476K PDF file)
LandWatch supports the proposed project, which is a six-mile bus-only corridor from Marina to Sand City and Seaside along a publicly owned corridor parallel to Highway 1. Further, LandWatch recommends the Mitigated Negative Declaration be revised to provide an estimate on greenhouse gas emissions from reduce vehicle trips. (04.09.21) - Slides from MST Presentation (3.5M PDF file)
LandWatch and its supporters had a virtual meeting with the Monterey-Salinas Transit staff on the SURF! Busway and Bus Rapid Transit proposal. MST has provided a PDF copy of its slide deck to keep the public informed. (09.25.20) - Letter: LandWatch supports AB 2766 Grant Application (521K PDF file)
LandWatch’s comments in strong support of FY19 AB 2766 Emission Reduction Grant Application – Monterey-Salinas Transit: PARK IT! Point Lobos Area Shuttle. (06.26.18)
Measure X—Transportation Tax
- Sales Tax Measure Exceeds Revenues
Voters approved a transportation sales tax measure to fund local projects. The 3/8-cent tax began collecting in April 2017 and has brought in 33% more revenues than expected. Some believe this could be an anomaly, but the Transportation Agency of Monterey County may move projects forward earlier. (06.30.18) - Parks and Transportation Tax Passed by Voters
Peninsula residents overwhelmingly expressed their support for keeping the parks and wildlands managed by the District adequately funded. Measure E passed with a, more than comfortable, 71% of the vote. While Monterey County residents also passed Measure X by a margin of 67.36%, this measure includes $20 million for a bike and pedestrian trail to be built on the former Fort Ord, and includes other funds to fix potholes. (11.10.16) - 30 Year Measure on Monterey County Ballot
For the third time in 10 years a transportation sales tax initiative will go before Monterey County voters. Funding through local sources allows the transportation agency to get matching dollars from state and federal sources. LandWatch Monterey County supports Measure X. (10.10.16) - Measure X Campaign Roll Out
A Labor Day campaign rollout is expected for proponents of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County sales tax measure—Measure X. This 3/8-cent sales tax measure would fund $600 million in Monterey County road projects over the next 30 years. LandWatch supports this measure. (08.24.16) - Transportation Measure Goes to Supervisors
The Transportation Agency of Monterey County is asking the Board of Supervisors to place the 3/8 cent sales tax measure on the November ballot. Both the Board and all 12 cities have voted to support the measure. The Agency has been doing robust outreach to the public and community groups. (06.23.16) - Coalition Supports Transportation Measure
A coalition of strange bedfellows, LandWatch included, have all united to support the Transportation Agency of Monterey County and it attempt to receive enough votes for a sales tax measure. Tourists, farmers, school buses, families and transit operators all use Monterey County transportation facilities—they need to be cared for. (06.16.16) - LandWatch Board Supports Transportation Measure
LandWatch now lends its support to the Transportation Agency of Monterey County for its upcoming ballot measure. Through a 3/8 cent sales tax local transportation projects will be completed and improve the local infrastructure. (05.16.16) - Transportation Expenditure Plan Approved
A 30 year, $600 million plan was unanimously approved by the Transportation Agency of Monterey County. Next steps include going to the County and 12 cities for concurrence before the plan goes to the ballot in November. Some say not enough is being spent on active transportation, others say not enough is being spent on resolving congestion issues. (03.23.16) - TAMC Outlines Expenditure Plan
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County divvied up the expenditures for the transportation sales tax measure late last month. Here is a quick overview of the regional project list:
- Monterey-Salinas Highway improvements ($45 million),
- Highway 101 South County frontage roads ($30 million),
- Highway 156-Castroville Boulevard interchange ($30 million), and
- Imjin Road multimodal corridor improvements ($25 million),
- Highway 1 busway ($15 million), boosted by $10 million shifted to Highway 1 bus rapid transit from the Del Monte-Lighthouse corridor as requested by Smith,
- And, $5 million for habitat preservation and mitigation. (02.24.16)
- Polls Indicate Support for Measure
Recent polls indicate more than two-thirds of Monterey County voters would support a 3/8-cent transportation sales tax measure. It appears voters are more positive and optimistic than before. Land use and transportation are inextricably tied to one another. (01.08.16) - Editorial on Transportation Sales Tax
TAMC, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, is analyzing the county transportation needs for a 3/8% sales tax measure. This measure would be on the November 2016 ballot. This funding source would generate $600 million over a 30 year life. The public can weigh in on the various projects. (12.19.15) - Monterey County Considers Transportation Sales Tax
Monterey County’s roads only fair about a 50 on a scale of 100 in terms of pavement condition. That’s why the Transportation Agency for Monterey County is considering a sales tax to fund transportation projects. Do think this would be a worthwhile investment? (07.30.15)
General Transportation
- Agency Provides Roundabout Rules
With roundabouts being used in Monterey County, the Transportation Agency is ensuring motorists understand the rules of the road. Education and signage are two approaches the Agency is using to clarify the rules. (07.25.17) - Funding Goes to Alternative Transportation
The Monterey City Council voted to spend nearly all of its grant money ($6.6M) on active transportation components: walking and biking. Some funds will go to a street improvements including a bike lane, while others will go to a safety education program. (08.18.15) - Nine Million to Come for County Roads
The California Transportation Commission has allocated $223 million for Highway 1 repairs. Several miles of road way, on/off ramps and a bridge are included in the project list. In Monterey County, specifically $9 million will come for active transportation projects that encourage walking and biking as transportation. (05.29.15) - Monterey County Road Repair – Dire News
Ouch! According to the 2015 Rural Counties Pavement Needs Assessment, the county’s roads rank in the bottom third among 26 rural counties. The county has about $303 million to pay for its projected $1.175 billion in road repairs over the next 20 years, yet our Supervisors continue to approve building more roads the county can’t maintain. (05.08.15) - LandWatch Around the County Transportation Series Re-cap
LandWatch held a series of three programs this Spring about transportation in Monterey County and SB 375. Speakers included folks from TAMC, MST, and AMBAG. For friends and members who were unable to attend, please read the re-cap so you can stay informed about transportation initiatives in our County. (07.09.10) - Trains in Your Future?
Establishing a commuter rail service between Salinas and the Silicon Valley could have a big impact on the future of Monterey County. Meetings will be held on Monday, March 31st and Wednesday, April 2nd, to discuss current proposals. (03.26.03) - Green Watchdog Says Prunedale Bypass Is Environmental and Fiscal Mistake
An annual “Green Watchdog” report lists projects that are bad for the environment and that are also a waste of taxpayer dollars. This year, Monterey County’s own Prunedale Bypass made the list! Read a local press release announcing the Greed Watchdog report, and get a link to the report itself. (02.06.03)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions