September 10, 2024

Earlier this summer, when the Monterey City Council voted to approve its draft Housing Element, LandWatch had raised concerns about including Fort Ord lands. We explained that it was unrealistic to count on any actual development in Fort Ord during this Housing Element cycle. There is no committed plan for a sufficient water supply, which violates the Housing Element law. There is no evidence the City can clear contamination and develop infrastructure that supports 1200 homes in the next eight years. And development of these lands is highly problematic from a biological impacts perspective.

All of these issues make Fort Ord development an unrealistic and shortsighted option.

Acknowledging this reality, City Manager Hans Uslar is on record that, while Fort Ord is still being included in the Housing Element, it is only included as a buffer, meaning that there is no expectation of, or desire for, actual development until the City exhausts its infill sites. Monterey City Mayor Tyller Williamson subsequently confirmed his support of this position. In short, the City has indicated that the only reason it included Fort Ord sites was to satisfy the state’s requirement for a buffer beyond its Regional Housing Needs Allocation, and that other sites would be prioritized for development. 

We commend the City for committing to infill instead of development that paves over natural lands and destroys habitat for sensitive species. We urge the City to formalize its commitment to use Fort Ord lands solely as a buffer.

Michael D. DeLapa
Executive Director