LandWatch’s mission is to create a blueprint for sustainability, using Monterey County as a model.
We work to enhance Monterey County’s future by addressing climate change, affordable housing, reliable water supplies, and related land and water use policies.
LandWatch is committed to climate action in Monterey County. We are actively seeking ways to mitigate climate impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Learn more on our ClimateWatch page.
LandWatch is at the forefront of ensuring affordable housing options are available to local families because this also reduces climate and transportation impacts.
Learn more on our HousingWatch page.
LandWatch engages throughout Monterey County and for more than a dozen local cities to ensure climate, water, housing, public safety, and social equity issues are addressed.
Learn more on our CommunityWatch page.
LandWatch’s Recent Actions
Subbasin Plan Gets Critical Review by LandWatch (2.16M PDF)
LandWatch submits comments on the Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan specifically as it relates to missed milestones, delayed assessments and actions, failure to protect deep aquifers, and more. (01.13.25)
LandWatch Writes to Gonzales on Vista Lucia Concerns (332K PDF)
LandWatch outlines it’s main concern that the Specific Plan nor the Development Agreement for the Vista Lucia project does not provide the levels of affordable housing it claims. (03.03.25)
LandWatch Submits Recommendations to the County (331K)
LandWatch supports Monterey County complying with state housing law as quickly as possible and advocates for a housing element that is consistent with County’s General Plan policies for equitable, climate-friendly urban infill that prioritizes the needs of local working families. (03.07.25)