LandWatch’s mission is to create a blueprint for sustainability, using Monterey County as a model.

We work to enhance Monterey County’s future by addressing climate change, affordable housing, reliable water supplies, and related land and water use policies.

LandWatch is committed to climate action in Monterey County. We are actively seeking ways to mitigate climate impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Learn more on our ClimateWatch page.

LandWatch is at the forefront of ensuring affordable housing options are available to local families because this also reduces climate and transportation impacts.

Learn more on our HousingWatch page.

LandWatch engages throughout Monterey County and for more than a dozen local cities to ensure climate, water, housing, public safety, and social equity issues are addressed.

Learn more on our CommunityWatch page.

LandWatch’s Recent Actions

LandWatch & Pure Water Now Collaborate
Together we write about Cal Am’s Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project because it raises significant environmental justice concerns, as it would exacerbate already exorbitant water costs, disproportionately affecting low-income communities. More affordable solutions are available. (02.22.24)

LandWatch Submits Multiple Comment Letters to County
LandWatch criticizes Monterey County’s Housing Element for inadequate planning, reliance on ineffective ordinances, and unrealistic housing expectations, urging for reduced sprawl, accurate site counts, and alignment with RHNA goals. (05.23.24)

LandWatch Focuses on Farmland Mitigation
LandWatch recommends an even lower ratio be applied to one category for farmland mitigation: the exterior boundary of permanent growth boundaries and permanent agricultural edges as identified in the Board of Supervisors approved City and County Memorandum of Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings. (02.26.24)