Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)

The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) was formed in 1968 to offer solutions and a collaborative approach to regional problems. The Association consists of the Counties and Cities of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz. AMBAG aims to balance local control with regional collaboration while analyzing, planning, and implementing regional policies.

  • Letter: Comments on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Sustainable Community Strategy (312K PDF)
    These comments are informed by the comments and analysis prepared by Ben Gould of EcoDataLab (549K XLS) regarding the sufficiency of the alternatives analysis in the draft EIR. LandWatch asks that the EIR be revised and recirculated to provide an informationally adequate analysis of an alternative that materially reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and/or attains an environmentally superior outcome without failing to meet the project’s freight mobility objectives. (01.29.22)
  • Letter: Coalition Letter Comments on Regional Housing Needs Assessment Methodology (528K PDF)
    LandWatch joins the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP), California YIMBY, Santa Cruz Yimby, Yimby Law, the Santa Cruz County Business Council, and New Way Homes in supporting Option Z, which optimizes social equity and climate considerations. (01.11.22)
  • Letter: LandWatch Provides Comments on the Housing Assessment Methodology (172K PDF)
    LandWatch writes to follow up its November 29, 2021 letter regarding the proposed RHNA methodology and to respond to the staff report for your December 8, 2021 meeting. LandWatch seeks a RHNA allocation that is both climate-friendly and affordable to local working families. This requires locating housing near jobs and the public and private services and opportunities in urban areas, and avoiding sprawling development in rural areas.
    LandWatch asks that AMBAG base its jobs-related allocation on each jurisdiction’s jobs/housing balance rather than just its share of regional jobs, because the statutory objective calls for improving the “intraregional relationship between jobs and housing.” (12.08.21)
  • Letter: LandWatch Comments on Regional Housing Needs Assessment (606K PDF)
    LandWatch asks that AMBAG base its jobs-related allocation on each jurisdiction’s jobs/housing balance rather than just its share of regional jobs. The statutory objective calls for improving the “intraregional relationship between jobs and housing,” which requires consideration of both jobs and available housing units. An alternative allocation is also included in the letter. (11.29.21)
  • Letter: LandWatch Comments of GHG Inventory (61K PDF)
    LandWatch writes regarding the preliminary greenhouse gas inventories AMBAG has provided to local jurisdictions to initiate its consideration of Climate Action Plans. We reiterate with technical and legal support exists that local jurisdictions should not rely on these inventories to prepare Climate Action Plans for several reasons. (05.03.21)

Regional Agencies
Issues & Actions