Marina Station (Armstrong Ranch)
Marina Station includes 1,360 homes, located on 320 acres of the Armstrong Ranch, within the city limits of Marina, and is the best large-scale development ever proposed in Monterey County.
Quick Facts
- As of April 2010, the owners of Armstrong Ranch were seeking a new developer to move this project forward.
- The project expands the space for multiple use, office/research, and retail and permits 1,360 Neo-Traditional styled units.
- The City of Marina is the lead agency.
- This project is governed by City of Marina General Plan from 2005.
Project Status
- The project was approved by the City of Marina in 2008.
- The Final Environmental Impact Report (33.6M PDF) was released in February 2008.
- The Draft Environmental Impact Report (79.9M PDF) was released in March 2007.
- The comment period on the environmental documents was in June 2007.
- The Notice of Preparation was complete in 2005.
Project Location Map
This map shows Marina Station project land uses.

Full Size Map (422K PDF)
Credit: City of Marina, Fact Sheet (January 2011)
Resources at Risk
- City-Centered Growth Is Responsible Growth
The location of this project is within an incorporated city, and cities are better prepared to address the long-term needs of maintaining infrastructure and providing public services. If the same project were proposed in an unpopulated area of the unincorporated county it would not be a good idea, because the cost of on-going maintenance and the provision of public services would be too expensive. - Provides Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND)
Marina Station is the best example of TND that Monterey County has ever seen. In addition to the three “neighborhood retail centers” it also has a 50 acres dedicated to a light-industrial business park with 12 of the acres for office and 38 acres for light industrial. This kind of planning encourages a real jobs/housing balance that allows people the opportunity of living close to their work. - Incorporates Green Standards and Sustainability
Marina Station will be a leading example of sustainable community design with many special features of green-building techniques that include: photovoltaic panels, LEED Gold or Silver ratings, and green streets.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Support for Project
The comments focus on how the project is city-centered growth and how neighborhoods should be designed and sustainable. (03.14.08) - Letter: Marina Station Comments (510K PDF)
LandWatch submitted comments to the City of Marina on the revision of its Marina Station Development Agreement focused on affordable housing and water supply. (09.01.21)
Project History
- Marina Station Advances in the City of Marina
The City Council is considering a development agreement with the applicant for the Marina Station project. LandWatch provided substantive comments on the projects and touted it is an excellent example of Traditional Neighborhood Design. (07.25.22)
Monterey Peninsula
Issues & Actions