Archived Projects in Seaside

The Youth Hostel project would be completed over 10 years and includes the renovation of three buildings and relocation of another.

Project Proposed: 2013
LW Position: Supports the Agreement
Status: Approved by Planning Commission

The City of Seaside is updating its General Plan Housing Element and lacks strong affordable housing policies.

Project Proposed: 2003
LW Position: 
Supports Stronger Language

The Monterey Downs proposal includes the construction of a horse training facility, horse track, sports arena, commercial center, multiple hotels, and an office park.

Project Proposed: 2012
LW Position: Collecting Signatures for a Referendum
Project Status: Applicant Withdrew the Project

The lawsuit (Kaatz v. City of Seaside et al.) claims that the City of Seaside failed to follow legal requirements, and failed to obtain adequate compensation for the land that Seaside sold to the developers.

Lawsuit Initiated: 2003
LW Position: 
Supports Litigation