General Plan Update

The City of Seaside is undergoing a comprehensive General Plan update where the vision for the community will be established and new policies written for how the community grows.

Project Status

  • The City is hosting public workshops to gather information on the community’s desires.

LandWatch Involvement

  • Letter: Comments on the Seaside 2040 FEIR (978K PDF)
    LandWatch provides feedback on the County’s Draft Housing Element, encouraging the removal of sprawl sites and the implementation of effective programs to meet RHNA obligations while focusing on reducing the excessive unit count and promoting sustainable development. They appreciate the County’s efforts to improve the Draft and offer further support if needed. (05.15.24)

    • By reference these letters were also incorporated:
      • Letter: Improper Reliance on Fort Ord Lands Water Reliance (234K PDF)
        LandWatch Monterey County advises that due to significant water supply constraints, Monterey County land use jurisdictions cannot rely on former Fort Ord lands to meet their 6th Cycle RHNA obligations. The available groundwater supply, limited to a total of 6,160 new residential units, is nearly exhausted, with entitlements already issued for at least 6,150 units, leaving legal supply for at most ten additional units. (09.21.23)
      • Letter: City of Seaside Submits Comments Opposing the Water Transfer (188K PDF)
        Seaside respectfully opposes the transfer of water outside the Marina Coast Water District service and district boundaries until it can fulfill obligations to serve all properties in its existing service area boundaries. (09.19.23)
  • Letter: Comments on the Seaside 2040 EIR (196K PDF)
    The Seaside 2040 General Plan Update should exclude the provision for a specific plan in the Seaside East area, as it is not mandated for the city’s housing element and lacks necessary infrastructure and environmental feasibility for development. Additionally, ample infill space exists for employment land uses, rendering Seaside East unnecessary for economic development. (04.09.24)
  • Letter: Comments on the Seaside General Plan Update EIR (141K PDF)
    LandWatch submits these comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Seaside 2040 General Plan Update on behalf of LandWatch Monterey County. A key shortcoming of the draft EIR is that it does not adequately evaluate the impacts of developing the Seaside East area. Nor does the draft EIR’s alternatives analyses adequately discuss the alternatives that would decrease development in the Seaside East area. We ask that the City address the shortcomings identified in our comments below by revising and recirculating the draft EIR. (12.07.23)
  • Letter: Opposing Zoning Ordinance (524K PDF)
    LandWatch opposes voting to reaffirm consistency of the comprehensive updates to the zoning ordinance, amending Title 17 of the Seaside Municipal Code. Concerns include: zoning consistency with the Fort Ord Regional Urban Design Guidelines, consistency with noise standards, and piecemealing (instead of completing a comprehensive) consistency determinations with a General Plan currently under update. (03.14.18)
  • Letter: Comments on the Seaside General Plan (618K PDF)
    The City of Seaside is currently undergoing a General Plan Update. LandWatch supports the City’s vision of infill, mixed-use, and bicycle-friendly and pedestrian-friendly development, as described in the draft Seaside General Plan Update (GPU). However, in order to achieve this vision, the GPU will need to be substantially refined. These changes are detailed in our January 2018 letter. (01.26.18)
  • Letter: Comments on the Housing Element (563K PDF)
    LandWatch submitted comments identifying how the draft Housing Element can be strengthened, particularly in relation to including clear, objective implementing measures. (08.22.17)

Project History

  • Seaside Plans to Develop, Even Without Water
    A three-event charrette focused on getting answers from residents about development in Seaside. Water supply seems to be the biggest constraint. LandWatch and Keep Fort Ord Wild are in a settlement agreement with the City about a cap on the number of units based on water availability–that number has already been exceeded. (11.04.21)
  • Seaside Housing Element Meeting
    Join the City of Seaside for a meeting on its General Plan Update on Wednesday, August 23 at 7 PM at City Hall. (08.21.17)
  • Seaside Wants Your Input
    If you were unable to attend the City of Seaside General Plan public workshop on February 27th, have no fear there is an online way to provide feedback. Attend “virtually” by completing this online survey by March 10, 2017. (03.02.17)
  • Seaside Open House on February 27, 2017
    The City of Seaside is updating its General Plan for the community. The second open house is on February 27, 2017 between 6 PM and 8 PM. It is a “drop-in” type format at the Oldemeyer Center (986 Hilby Avenue, Seaside). This particular meeting focuses on the location and character of future development and transportation in Seaside. Please drop in any time to mingle with staff and the planning team, and learn more about the draft General Plan land use designations and circulation networks in Seaside. (02.27.17)