Monterey Bay Boatworks Extension
The Monterey Bay Boatworks extension includes a 75-foot extension of the existing service dock to accommodate guest vessels; a new 50-foot guest dock located to the south of the service dock to accommodate guest vessels; 106-foot extension of the A-dock to accommodate three 70-foot slips, one 60-foot slip, and one 50-foot slip; and, the A-dock extension will also include a 150-foot dedicated guest dock to accommodate guest vessels.
Quick Facts
- The project applicant is Marina Bay Boatworks.
- The project would extend multiple docks and add new docks for additional guest vessels.
- The City of Monterey is the lead agency.
Project Status
- The lease agreement was approved by the City of Monterey in November 2011.
- This project must also comply with the requirements of the California Coastal Commission.
- This project is governed by the City of Monterey’s General Plan.
- The City completed a Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Resources at Risk
- Impacts to Air Quality
The document states the project will have small amounts of particulate and fugitive materials released. However, the diesel-equipment oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions or Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs) are not quantified. Depending on the duration of time and type of equipment used, NOx and TACs could be significant. Emissions should be quantified and compared to the District’s thresholds of significance for construction emissions.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Comment Letter on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (94K PDF)
LandWatch submitted comments on the project and focused them on the Initial Study and air quality. (08.16.11)
Monterey Peninsula
Issues & Actions