Marina Coast Water District
Established in 1958, the Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) was formed to serve the area’s water and wastewater systems. In 1997, Fort Ord closed and the Army contracted with the District to handle the water and wastewater systems, which were later dedicated to the District in 2001.
LandWatch Involvement
- LandWatch Comments on Marina Coast Water District’s Failure to Honor Commitments
LandWatch provided additional support for LandWatch’s position that Monterey and Del Rey Oaks are improperly relying on Fort Ord land for their RHNA site inventories. The City of Seaside joins LandWatch in objecting to Marina Coast Water Districts’ s (MCWD) failure to honor commitments to prioritize limited groundwater supply for projects that were previously approved. MCWD’s decision risks the viability of these projects, including Seaside’s crown jewel Campus Town. Seaside points to millions of dollars spent by the city and the Campus Town developer who relied on MCWD’s promise of water for the project. Seaside’s City Attorney puts MCWD on notice that it “intends to protect its rights to be provided with and served water for its existing and planned projects in a fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory manner consistent with state law.” (09.25.23) - LandWatch Comments on Improper Reliance on Fort Ord Land for Site Inventories (229K PDF)
This letter includes additional information for LandWatch’s position that Monterey and Del Rey Oaks are improperly relying on Fort Ord land for their RHNA site inventories. To protect the overdrafted aquifer, the groundwater supply in Fort Ord for new residential units was limited to 6,160 units by the Fort Ord Reuse plan, and it remains limited to 6,160 units by a settlement agreement between MCWD, Keep Fort Ord Wild, and LandWatch Monterey County. Fort Ord land use jurisdictions have already approved 6,160 new residential units, although not all have yet been built; and they approved these projects in reliance on the promise of MCWD groundwater supplies. (09.21.23) - Amicus Brief: LandWatch Supports MCWD Litigation (62K PDF)
LandWatch respectfully requests that the Court grant the writ of review requested by the City of Marina and Marina Coast Water District and vacate the decision by the Commission because the Commission failed to comply with CEQA in its consideration of alternatives. (02.05.19) - Letter: LandWatch Submits Letter on Deep Aquifer (56K PDF)
LandWatch outlines concerns about the District’s continued reliance on water from the Deep Aquifer, especially in light of the seawater intrusion in Salinas Basin. LandWatch asks the District not to commit to providing additional groundwater for new developments without proper environmental review. (02.04.19) - Letter: LandWatch Submits Letter to MCWD on Annexation (144K PDF)
LandWatch sent a letter to both MCWD and LAFCO on November 17, 2011 questioning the proposal for annexation. The proposed project would allow water and wastewater service to continue beyond the FORA expiration and provide customers the right to vote for MCWD Board of Directors. We asked a variety of questions about the proposal and LandWatch outlined these questions at the LAFCO hearing on December 5th. (02.02.12) - LandWatch Comments on Marina Coast Water District’s Proposal to Expand Its Service Area To Encompass All of Fort Ord
LandWatch submitted a letter to both Marina Coast Water District and LAFCO on November 17th commenting on the Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration for proposed changes to the MCWD jurisdictional boundaries. The project would amend MCWD’s Sphere of Influence and expand its Service Area to include all of the former Fort Ord including lands within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army. MCWD currently provides service to this area as outlined in the 1998 Water/Wastewater Facilities Agreement between FORA and MCWD which expires when FORA sunsets. The proposed project would allow water and wastewater service to continue beyond the FORA expiration and provide customers the right to vote for MCWD Board of Directors. (12.10.11) - LandWatch Questions Proposed Agreement for Work on the Regional Project
On Wednesday, February 24th, the Marina Coast Water District approved an agreement with California American Water (Cal-Am) to accept reimbursement for work to be performed by the District and Monterey County Water Resources Agency through the end of the year. Up to $4.3 million would be provided to these agencies which would repay the loan. However, under the agreement, Cal-Am could forgive the loan. The agreement, only posted 24 hours for the public to review, may violate the California Environmental Quality Act and Local Agency Formation Commission requirements. Cal-Am ratepayers on the Peninsula could also end up paying for a project that would benefit non-Cal-Am customers. The same agreement was approved by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors in closed session on Friday, February 26th. (03.02.10)The letters below were submitted to Marina Coast Water District and the County last week.- Letter to Marina Coastal Water District Board of Supervisors
LandWatch raises concerns about the proposed agreement and its proposed reimbursement terms. We urged a delay to the proposed action in order to determine consistency with the Government Code. (02.24.10)
- Letter to Marina Coastal Water District Board of Supervisors
Project History
- City of Seaside’s letter to MCWD Objecting to Proposed Transfer of MCWD Water outside of District Boundaries (187K PDF)
The City of Seaside joins LandWatch in objecting to Marina Coast Water Districts’ s (MCWD) failure to honor commitments to prioritize limited groundwater supply for projects that were previously approved. MCWD’s decision risks the viability of these projects, including Seaside’s crown jewel Campus Town. Seaside points to millions of dollars spent by the city and the Campus Town developer who relied on MCWD’s promise of water for the project. Seaside’s City Attorney puts MCWD on notice that it “intends to protect its rights to be provided with and served water for its existing and planned projects in a fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory manner consistent with state law.” (09.13.23) - Focus on Real Issues, Not Hypothetical Ones
Marina residents are finally engaging on water use issues, but challenges still lie ahead. The City of Marina, for example, will need to focus on its own water supply problems, including the pumping of water from the finite Deep Aquifer. (02.04.19) - Maps Show Saltwater Intrusion
Using new technology, more freshwater was confirmed in the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin, but evidence of saltwater intrusion also present. (08.08.17) - Two Aquifers Have Saltwater Intrusion
Keith Vandevere writes a thorough blog on how the saltwater intrusion into the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin is still occurring as maps confirm. And, impacts from the drought have yet to be felt. (08.08.17) - Water District Meeting on Budget is Complicated
This meeting raised more questions than it answered. Many water agencies are considering rate increases. Residents are furious; while others aren’t sure the proper process is being followed. (09.17.15)