General Issues
Monterey Peninsula’s City of Marina faces a variety of land use planning from residential and commercial development to water availability. LandWatch remains engaged in this geography.
Quick Facts
- The project applicant is the Marina Coast Water District.
- The project would expand the District’s geography to include the entire Fort Ord area.
- The Marina Coast Water District is the lead agency.
- This project is governed by Water/Wastewater Facilities District.
Project Status
- The Board continues to receive updates on this proposal, but no decision has been made yet.
- The comment period was in November and December 2011.
- The Negative Declaration (4M PDF file) was completed in 2011.
This map shows the Marina Coast Water District boundaries.

Credit: Marina Coast Water District (October 2013)
VMT Thresholds
- Letter: LandWatch Comments on Marina’s VMT Thresholds
In a comment letter sent to the City of Marina Planning Commission, LandWatch outlines concerns related to the vehicle miles traveled threshold. The concerns included alignment with the California Environmental Quality Act and ensuring the thresholds are easy to administer. (02.22.22)
Monterey Peninsula
Issues & Actions
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