
Gonzales includes many acres of important agricultural lands, which require thoughtful planning and careful consideration on many levels. Many of the issues relate to the conversion of farmland, the lack of affordable housing, and traffic impacts.

Project Location Map

The Vista Lucia Annexation is north and east of the 101 Freeway.

An aerial image of the Vista Lucia Annexation in red.

View the Vista Lucia Annexation Map. (253K PDF)

LandWatch Involvement

  • Letter: LandWatch Writes to Gonzales on the Key Concerns (332K PDF)
    LandWatch outlines it’s main concern that the Specific Plan nor the Development Agreement for the Vista Lucia project does not provide the levels of affordable housing it claims. (03.03.25)
  • Letter: LandWatch Comments on Vista Lucia Draft EIR (370K PDF)
    LandWatch submitted comments to the City of Gonzales outlining its numerous concerns–especially related to the lack of housing affordability for area residents, which would turn Gonzales into a bedroom community. LandWatch believes the EIR needs to be recirculated. (03.15.24)
  • Letter: LandWatch Comments on Vista Lucia NOP (512K PDF)
    LandWatch reiterates its position to support a mix of housing types and affordability and includes concerns about California Environmental Quality Act violations with the lack of public meetings on the proposed project, the lack of project objectives, an inadequate project description, and lack of alternatives. (10.01.21)
  • LandWatch Supports Housing Local Residents First
    In this article it outlines the possible quadrupling of the City of Gonzales and how LandWatch supports local residents being housed first. Outdated census information, lack of affordable units, delayed construction, etc. all play into two unappealing outcomes described in the article. (04.23.21)
  • Letter: LandWatch Comments on Two Project Specific Plans (105K PDF)
    LandWatch urges the City to “right-size” by building housing it actually needs; zoning at densities that make affordable housing possible; and ensuring the City’s housing policies and practices address climate change. (03.31.21)