Sunridge Views
The Sunridge Views includes the development of 10 lots on 25 acres near Elkhorn Slough. The project also included the construction of two water tanks, conversion of an existing mobile home to senior housing, some grading and the removal of a landmark tree.
Quick Facts
- The current owner is Xiaoyun Chen Trust.
- The project includes the construction of 10 lots on 25 acres within the Elkhorn Slough Watershed.
- The County of Monterey is lead agency under CEQA; however the project is currently before the California Coastal Commission.
- The project is governed by the policies of the 1982 Monterey County General Plan and the North Monterey County Local Coastal Plan.
Project Status
- The Coastal Commission upheld its staff recommendation to deny an extension on the Sunridge Subdivision.
- The new owner is requesting an extension of the project approvals in November 2016. View the Coastal Commission Staff Report and Supporting Materials.
- The Coastal Commission approved the project based on settlement conditions in April 2006.
- The applicant sued the Coastal Commission over the decision and a settlement was reached.
- The Coastal Commission denied the project and upheld our appeals in December 2004.
- LandWatch and Friends, Artists and Neighbors of Elkhorn Slough appealed the project to the Coastal Commission in 2004.
- The County Board of Supervisors approved the project in July 2004.
Project Location Map
This map provides a general location of
the Sunridge Views project site.

Full Size Image (78K PDF)
Credit: California Coastal Commission, Staff Report – De Novo Permit (November 2004)
Resources at Risk
- Water Overdraft
The project would rely on existing and limited water supplies even though the General Plan requires it find additional water sources. - Inconsistent with the Local Coastal Program
The project is not consistent with the Local Coastal Program which does not allow developments such as this without a water supply commitment.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Request to Deny the Applicant’s Permit Extension (80K PDF)
LandWatch and Friends, Artists, and Neighbors of Elkhorn Slough appealed the approval of the project based on the requirements of the North Coast Coastal Land Use Plan and lack of sustainable water supply. (10.26.16) - Letter: Request to Deny the Reconsideration at the Coastal Commission (94K PDF)
LandWatch urges the Commission to follow the recommendation of its staff, and to deny the request for reconsideration. We agree with the staff that there is no error of fact or law that has the potential to alter the Commission’s decision (and no new information that could not have been presented at the earlier hearing). Granting reconsideration would be inconsistent with the provisions of Coastal Act Section 30627, and the Commission must deny the applicant’s request to hear the Sunridge Views appeal all over again (02.11.05) - Application: Appeal to the Coastal Commission (151K PDF)
The Monterey County Board of Supervisors made its final determination approving the Sunridge Views Subdivision project and certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report on July 13, 2004. The Monterey County Board of Supervisors approvals are inconsistent with the North Monterey County Land Use Plan/Local Coastal Program (“North County LUP/LCP”). (08.29.04) - Letter: Comments on the Subdivision Proposal (168K PDF)
LandWatch outlines that the approval for this project is for a Combined Development Permit in an area without adequate water supplies and inadequate infrastructure. Numerous other topics are also covered. (07.07.04) - Letter: Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (111K PDF)
LandWatch Monterrey County believes that this project should be denied, and that
the Planning Commission was right, on December 13, 2000, to recommend denial based on the clear inconsistency of the proposed project with the North County Land Use Plan/Local Coastal Program. (02.03.04)
Project History
- LandWatch Appeal on Sunridge Views Is Successful
LandWatch and Friends, Artists, and Neighbors of Elkhorn Slough (FANS) appealed the proposed Sunridge Views subdivision to the California Coastal Commission. In what LandWatch hopes will be a precedent setting decision, the Commission said that new subdivision lots cannot be approved in those areas within the Coastal Zone experiencing groundwater overdraft. (12.13.04)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions