Carmel Valley Master Plan Ordinance
The Board of Supervisors are working toward an ordinance to limit development via implementing a policy in the Carmel Valley Master Plan.
Quick Facts
- The project would implement the Master Plan’s policy 39.1.6.
- Monterey County is the lead agency.
- The project is governed by the policies of the 1982 Monterey County General Plan and the Carmel Valley Master Plan.
Project Status
- The ordinance was adopted with stronger language.
- The Carmel Valley Master Plan (569K PDF) was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in December 1986 and amended in November 1996.
Project Location Map
This map shows the Carmel Valley
Master Plan Land Use Map.

Full size map (934K PDF)
Credit: City of Monterey, Carmel Valley Master Plan (October 2010)
Resources at Risk
- Increased Development in the Carmel Valley
Without an ordinance implementing the General Plan policy growth will continue unabated in the Carmel Valley and decrease the quality of life of existing residents.
LandWatch Invovlement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Comments on the Ordinance (60K PDF)
In cooperation with others LandWatch submitted comments on the project. Our organizations wrote you last October, urging prompt action to implement Policy 39.1.6 of the Carmel Valley Master Plan. We are delighted that the Board is now prepared to limit development within the Carmel Valley Master Plan area, as that Master Plan policy requires. (03.24.00)
- Letter: Comments on the Ordinance (60K PDF)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions