Cathrein Estates
The Cathrein Estates project rezoned land from medium to high density and would include will include a 59 unit apartment complex and 6 residential lots. The project proposes to use dirt from the Hidden Ranch project adjacent to the property.
Quick Facts
- The project applicant is Donald and Barbara Chapin.
- The project includes the transport of 45,855 cubic yards to be exported offroad from the Hidden Ranch project to the adjacent Cathrein Estates Subdivision.
- The County of Monterey is the lead agency.
- The project is governed by the policies of the 1982 Monterey County General.
Project Status
- The Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for 19 days in February 2009.
- The County Board of Supervisors approved the project in February 2009.
Project Location Map
The project is located near Crazy
Horse Canyon and Pesante Rd.

Full Size Image (119K PDF)
Credit: County of Monterey, Findings and Decisions
Resources at Risk
- Water Overdraft
The project would rely on existing and limited water supplies even though the General Plan requires it find additional water sources. - Loss of Natural Resources
The project will remove important native oak trees. - Impacts to Road Infrastructure
The nearby intersection already has a level of service F, this project will only add additional vehicles to an already overburned street.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (152K PDF)
In its letter to the County, LandWatch observes this project is inconsistent with the approved General Plan and does not adequately follow the California Environmental Quality Act. (05.03.04)
Project History
- LandWatch Appeal on Sunridge Views Is Successful
LandWatch and Friends, Artists, and Neighbors of Elkhorn Slough (FANS) appealed the proposed Sunridge Views subdivision to the California Coastal Commission. In what LandWatch hopes will be a precedent setting decision, the Commission said that new subdivision lots cannot be approved in those areas within the Coastal Zone experiencing groundwater overdraft. (12.13.04)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions