General Issues – Elkhorn Slough
Monterey’s Elkhorn Slough is grappling with water quantity issues and development in an important watershed. LandWatch has been involved with these issues for more than a decade.
Project Proposed: Varies
LW Position: Varies by Topic
Status: Varies by Topic
Charlois Ranch
- Letter: LandWatch Comments on Project Issues (515K PDF)
LandWatch cautions the Board of Supervisors to proceed carefully in considering the proposed 26-unit Charolais Ranch Subdivision Project. From all indications, this is the wrong project in the wrong place. It is a sprawling development, lacks affordable housing, sits in a High Wildland Fire Hazard Area, lacks a sustainable water supply, adds to the water quality and traffic problems, and destroys oak woodlands. (03.01.21)
LaTourette Subdivision
- Letter: LandWatch Requests Recirculation of EIR (248K PDF)
After reviewing the Draft Environmental Impact Report, numerous deficiencies were found that require recirculation of the document. Key issues include: water supply, biological resources, wildfire risk, and greenhouse gases. (11.20.24) - Letter: LandWatch Comments on LaTourette Subdivision (506K PDF)
LandWatch commented on the County’s request for reimbursement on the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Additionally, a reminder that the North County region has a constrained water supply and no development (per the General Plan) is permitted. (07.10.17)
Monterey County
Issues & Actions