Tanimura Land Company

The Tanimura Land Company has applied for a “Parcel Legality Status Determination,” asking the County to declare 73 “lots” located on farmland adjacent to the Town of Spreckels (and owned by the Tanimura Land Company as a single parcel) to be “legal lots of record.” The “lots” were designated on a map of Spreckels dated December 1906, and recorded on January 8, 1907.

Quick Facts

  • The project applicant is Tanimura Land Company.
  • The project contends the property, from a 1907 map, are actually 73 lots.
  • The County of Monterey is the lead agency.
  • The project is governed by the policies of the 1982 Monterey County General Plan.

Project Status

  • The grading permit was issued in 2005.
  • The County Board of Supervisors approved this project in September 2004.

Resources at Risk

  • Lack of Adherence to the County General Plan
    The Monterey County General Plan states the area in question is the County’s best farmland.
  • Lack of Review by the Agency
    The declaration that there are “73 lots” is essentially approves a major subdivision without environmental review.
  • Lack of Due Process
    The advancement of this project without adequate review also meant that no member of the public was allowed to provide input even when the project profoundly affects their property and community.

LandWatch Involvement

LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.

  • Letter: Opposition to the Project (298K PDF)
    LandWatch urges decision makers to put the burden on the applicant to establish the claimed “legality” of its lots by going to court and getting an order finding them “legal,” or decision makers will put the burden on local residents, to contest a finding of “legality” that the applicant is asking the County to make. (06.08.04)