Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing
In July 2012, the 900 acre site received approval for between 90 and 100 residential units and preserved 635 acres of forest land. The Pebble Beach project will now build inclusionary housing nearby.
Quick Facts
- The project applicant is the Pebble Beach Company.
- The project would create 24 inclusionary housing units near the Pebble Beach project site.
- The County of Monterey is the lead agency.
- The project is governed by the 2010 Monterey County General Plan.
Project Status
- The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing Project in August 2016.
- Residents appealed the project less than two weeks after its approval by the Planning Commission. The Board of Supervisors is expected to hear the appeal on August 23rd.
- The Monterey County Planning Commission unanimously approved the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing Project in June 2016.
- As part of processing the Pebble Beach project, the Planning Commission, at its May 30, 2012 meeting, recommended that all affordable housing units be built onsite, instead of accepting in lieu fees for the units, unless an alternative site is found on the peninsula.
- The housing project was approved in July 2012 with stronger language about affordable housing.
- The Monterey County Housing Advisory Committee made recommendations in January 2014 to the Monterey County Planning Commission on the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing. Download the agenda. (85K PDF)
- The Draft Environmental Impact Report was released in May 2015. Comments are due June 19, 2015.
Project Location Map
The project’s inclusionary houses
are off of Congress Road.

Full Size Map (348K PDF)
Credit: Monterey County Housing Advisory Committee Board Packet, January 2014.
LandWatch Involvement
LandWatch engages in the public process in a variety of ways. For this project, here is a list of our engagement strategies.
- Letter: Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (238K PDF)
LandWatch submitted comments outlining concerns for aesthetics, air quality, alternatives, jobs/housing balance, and biology. (05.13.15) - Coalition Building
We plan on working with the Pebble Beach Company, League of Women Voters of Monterey County, Monterey Pine Forest Watch and COPA (Communities Organized for Relational Power and Action) to ensure the affordable housing is actually built.
Project History
- Pebble Beach Project Breaks Ground (page 6A)
The 24-unit townhome style complex behind Del Monte Park will break ground soon. Final permits for the project are being completed and the company expects to break ground in mid-July. LandWatch supported this project because it actually built affordable units. (06.09.17) - Pebble Beach Applicant Listens to Residents, Changes Project (page 7 and 19)
Residents concerned about impacts to the existing community asked the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing project applicant to turn the project 180 degrees to reduce impacts—and the developer agreed. (11.11.16) - Supervisors Ask for Project Adjustments After Approval (pg. 1 & 15)
While the Board of Supervisors approved the Pebble Beach project in August, they are now asking the developer for minor alterations that will reduce the impacts to local residents. Two changes include the location of the houses, a 180 degree switch, and a berm to block headlights. (10.07.16) - Pebble Beach Appeal Shot Down
After two hours of public testimony the Board of Supervisors voted to uphold the Planning Commission decision to approve the 24-unit Pebble Beach project. This project helps meet affordable housing needs in Monterey County. (08.25.16) - Pebble Beach Project Approved
The County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing project—effectively overturning the appeal by residents. The 24-unit project is now able to proceed as planned. (08.23.16) - Pebble Beach Appealed to Supervisors
The Pebble Beach Affordable Housing Project was appealed to the Board of Supervisors after approval by the Monterey County Planning Commission. LandWatch supports this project for many reasons, including the fact that it provides actual affordable housing instead of paying in lieu fees. (08.18.16) - Pebble Beach Approval Appealed (Page 6 & 31)
Neighbors have filed an appeal of the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing project less than two weeks after the unanimous decision by the Monterey County Planning Commission. The appeal has been scheduled for August 23. Residents say they want affordable housing, just not in their backyard. (06.24.16) - Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing Approved by PC
The Monterey County Planning Commission unanimously approved the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing project this week. Landwatch Monterey County was proud to join a broad coalition of affordable housing and environmental groups in support. (06.08.16) - Affordable Housing Project Supported by Groups
Several speakers at the Monterey County Planning Commission touted the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing Project was a model project. LandWatch and others supported this project. (06.08.16) - Planning Commission Hearing
The Monterey County Planning Commission will hear the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing Project on Wednesday, May 25, 2016. Download the Public Hearing Notice. - Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing EIR Released
The Final EIR for the Pebble Beach Inclusionary Housing project heads to the Planning Commission. Eighty percent of the site will be permanent open space and the remainder will become a 24-unit townhome complex. LandWatch supported this project because of its inclusionary housing feature. (03.09.16) - Pebble Beach DEIR Released
The Draft EIR for the proposed Pebble Beach Affordable Housing project has been released for public review. The project includes 24 affordable units and appears to have two unavoidable significant impacts: traffic and water. Comments are due by June 19th to the County at: (05.04.15) - Pebble Beach EIR Contract Vote Soon, page 6A
The contract for the environmental review documents on the Affordable Housing project proposed for Pebble Beach will soon be before County Supervisors. Various environmental and local organizations supported the inclusionary housing on this site. (06.13.14) - LandWatch Works with Supervisors to Sequester Funds for Affordable Home Construction
LandWatch worked to modify the language of the conditions of approval to only allow the in lieu fees be spent on actual construction of new affordable housing units on the Peninsula, instead of being spent on County administration. Though new affordable units won’t be built on the Pebble Beach site, funds are now set aside for their creation on the Peninsula and those funds can’t be squandered on items unrelated to affordable housing construction. This represents a win for affordable housing. (07.12.12) - Board of Supervisors Modify Approval Language to Build Affordable Houses
The Board of Supervisors, at its June 19th meeting, planned to approve in lieu fees be paid by the developer instead of requiring units be built on site. This action was taken despite the Planning Commission’s recommendation and even though the County admits the fees may never actually build anything and affordable housing on the Peninsula is in great demand. (06.13.12) - Planning Commission Recommends Affordable Houses Be Built On-Site
The Planning Commission, at its May 30th meeting, recommended that all affordable housing units be built on-site, instead of accepting in lieu fees for the units, unless an alternative site is found on the Peninsula. The housing, per the proposal by Commissioner Martha Diehl and the County’s ordinance, would need to be for moderate, low, and very-low income levels. (05.30.12)
Monterey County
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